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Unspeakable Tortures Part 2

Thomas Helm

I have testified before the Internal Security Subcommittee of the US Senate. There I described awful things, such as Christians tied to crosses for four days and nights. The crosses were placed on the floor and hundreds of prisoners had to fulfil their bodily necessities over the faces and bodies of the crucified ones. Then the crosses were erected again and the Communists jeered and mocked: Look at your Christ! How beautiful he is! What fragrance he brings from heaven!' I described how, after being driven nearly insane with tortures, a priest was forced to consecrate human excrement and urine and give Holy Communion to Christians in this form. This happened in the Romanian prison of Pitesti. I asked the priest afterwards why he did not prefer to die rather than participate in this mockery. He answered, 'Don't judge me, please! I have suffered more than Christ!' All the biblical descriptions of hell and the pains of Dante's Inferno are nothing in comparison with the tortures in Communist prisons. This is only a very small part of what happened on one Sunday and on many other Sundays in the prison of Pitesti. Other things simply cannot be told. My heart would fail if I should tell them again and again. They are too terrible and obscene to put in writing. That is what your brothers and sisters in Christ went through and go through now!

Richard Wurmbrand in Tortured for Christ


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