Revolutionaries always make their promises for a better tomorrow, but they have no understanding of how the present works. Whether the end of income inequality, the elimination of war, unlimited indulgence for every desire, or medical care free of charge for every self-inflicted injury the way to achieve it is always the same. It is the destruction of what works now, albeit imperfectly, for whatever untested theory may produce that ‘better tomorrow’. Those who promise these impossibilities always claim that they are on the right side of history. By destroying the past and present, they are clearing the ground for a better future. This is why they are constantly attacking reality and its fixed definitions that have been accepted by the human race for millennia.
Because they don’t believe in fixed definitions, they can constantly shift what their latest grievance is and never be called out for it’s contradictory character. The point is not to be consistent but to destroy the definitions that used to allow others to order their lives. Their final aim is to substitute their own definitions and make others submit to them. Destruction is the sole aim and there is nothing that they are seeking to construct, other than to see themselves in power. Because their lives have no foundation in God, they live in a perpetual state of metaphysical dissatisfaction- rejecting that definitions can come from the Creator of the universe. Seeing themselves as the only ones who can create meaning is easy. After all, there is no higher consciousness then their own. Hence the temptation to tyranny and control of others is a powerful siren song. The young person is reinforced by the lies of the mass media and for the cliches brought to his mind by the hedonistic Marxism of the day.
Based on an insight from Nostalgia by Anthony Esolen
