American Marxism has been presaged by totalitarian movements around the world. And the people who have been most attracted to its siren song have been for the most part government bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, union organizers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists and professional politicians. What these groups share in common is that they have bought into the philosophic materialism of Marxism although they may have arrived there by different routes. The scientist may enter into it through the scientific method at first without fully embracing a materialist worldview. But owing to their high degree of specialization in their work, they may lack the time to fully assess the scientific methods philosophic framework. They may never come to question whether there might be limits to what science can answer, and thus they may slide into a fully materialist worldview.
The other groups mentioned have a built in insulation from reality and its feedback by the nature of their work. What matters to many of those occupations are ideas, which may or may not get put to the test in daily life. When ideas are the final product of ones work, peer consensus and whether others find their ideas interesting is key. It does not always matter if what is said is true. If ideas are never put to the test in the real world, then the only criteria by which an idea is judged is whether other people find it convincing or attractive. In such circumstances, we are dealing with a world where the ideas of Marxism can flourish. When the ideas of Marxism have been put into practice in numerous countries around the world they have all failed, but the people who promote Marxist ideas are always insulated from those realities. This is why they can prattle on about how real Marxism has never been tried. Reading a few books would quickly dispense with all of that nonsense. For a simple example, lets just look at the body count Marxism has brought about:
Latin America: 150,000 deaths
Vietnam: 1 million deaths
Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths
Cambodia: 2 million deaths
North Korea 2 million deaths
Africa: 1.7 million deaths
Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths
USSR: 20 million deaths
China: 60 million deaths
As Stalin is purported to have said, “One death is a tragedy. 1 million deaths is a statistic”.
But our current tyrants are even worse because they seek to control thought. They aim at pure power through the control of language. This is why you see them intent on changing language and arguing against any fixed definitions. It is not surprising given their presuppositions and presumptions that they are currently arguing whether 2 + 2 = 4. Soon enough they will demand that we all say that 2 + 2 = 5.
Source for above numbers The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression