Perhaps we should keep this in mind when we see what wins Pulitzer Prizes in 2020
“The joke in the old Soviet Union was that there was no Pravda (Truth) in Izvestia (The News), and no Izvestia in Pravda. Is the New York Times much more honest? Walter Duranty, whom Muggeridge actually liked as a human being while calling him “the most accomplished liar I have ever met,” helped to bolster Stalin’s image by reporting that no, there was no starvation in the Ukraine and that the forced collectivization of farms was proceeding just fine. Was it five or six million people whom Stalin slew in the Ukraine? People were eating human corpses, it had gotten so bad, and what had been one of the richest areas in the world for the growing of grain was turned into a wilderness of weeds, idle machinery, and death. Duranty won the Pulitzer Prize for his reporting, a prize the Pulitzer Board has never withdrawn.”
Quoted in Out of the Ashes by Anthony Esolen
See the 2019 film Mr. Jones
